Results for 'Christine Caldwell Ames'

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  1.  9
    Explicit procedures for implicit memories.Christine Caldwell - 2012 - In Sabine C. Koch, Thomas Fuchs, Michela Summa & Cornelia Müller (eds.), Body Memory, Metaphor and Movement. John Benjamins. pp. 84--255.
  2.  34
    Human Teaching and Cumulative Cultural Evolution.Christine A. Caldwell, Elizabeth Renner & Mark Atkinson - 2018 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 9 (4):751-770.
    Although evidence of teaching behaviour has been identified in some nonhuman species, human teaching appears to be unique in terms of both the breadth of contexts within which it is observed, and in its responsiveness to needs of the learner. Similarly, cultural evolution is observable in other species, but human cultural evolution appears strikingly distinct. This has led to speculation that the evolutionary origins of these capacities may be causally linked. Here we provide an overview of contrasting perspectives on the (...)
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    Convergent cultural evolution may explain linguistic universals.Christine A. Caldwell - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (5):515-516.
    Christiansen & Chater's (C&C's) argument rests on an assumption that convergent cultural evolution can produce similar (complex) behaviours in isolated populations. In this commentary, I describe how experiments recently carried out by Caldwell and colleagues can contribute to the understanding of such phenomena.
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    Using Experimental Research Designs to Explore the Scope of Cumulative Culture in Humans and Other Animals.Christine A. Caldwell - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 12 (2):673-689.
    Culture drives cognitive evolution by supporting the transmission and intergenerational accumulation of skills and knowledge, based on social learning and teaching: Later generations benefit from what their predecessors acquired. Taking a metaperspective on those experimental studies that explore the mechanisms underlying cultural transmission, Caldwell discusses their potential for generating valuable insights, their possible limitations, and their generalizability to other species.
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    Conscious moving: an embodied guide for healing, learning, contemplating, and creating.Christine Caldwell - 2024 - Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books.
    An exploration of somatic awareness and embodied intuition and a guide to how conscious movement practices can help us be more present, be more grounded and intentional, and claim bodily autonomy.
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    Child-Centered Design: Developing an Inclusive Letter Writing App.Marianne Martens, Gretchen Caldwell Rinnert & Christine Andersen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Infant orofacial movements: Inputs, if not outputs, of early imitative ability?Eoin P. O'Sullivan & Christine A. Caldwell - 2017 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 40.
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    Supporting the weight of the elephant in the room: Technical intelligence propped up by social cognition and language.Alex Thornton, Francesca Happé & Christine A. Caldwell - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43.
    We consider the evolutionary plausibility of Osiurak and Reynaud's arguments. We argue that technical reasoning is not quite the magic bullet that O&R assume, and instead propose a co-evolutionary account of the interplay between technical reasoning and social learning, with language emerging as a vital issue neglected in O&R's account.
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    The positive impact of portfolios on health care assistants' clinical practice.Anita Atwal, Kirsty Tattersall, Kay Caldwell, Christine Craik, Anne McIntyre & Susana Murphy - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (1):172-174.
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    Inferring Behavior From Partial Social Information Plays Little or No Role in the Cultural Transmission of Adaptive Traits.Mark Atkinson, Kirsten H. Blakey & Christine A. Caldwell - 2020 - Cognitive Science 44 (10):e12903.
    Many human cultural traits become increasingly beneficial as they are repeatedly transmitted, thanks to an accumulation of modifications made by successive generations. But how do later generations typically avoid modifications which revert traits to less beneficial forms already sampled and rejected by earlier generations? And how can later generations do so without direct exposure to their predecessors' behavior? One possibility is that learners are sensitive to cues of non‐random production in others' behavior, and that particular variants (e.g., those containing structural (...)
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    Improving the Quality of Host Country Ethical Oversight of International Research: The Use of a Collaborative ‘Pre‐Review’ Mechanism for a Study of Fexinidazole for Human A frican Trypanosomiasis.Carl H. Coleman, Chantal Ardiot, Séverine Blesson, Yves Bonnin, Francois Bompart, Pierre Colonna, Ames Dhai, Julius Ecuru, Andrew Edielu, Christian Hervé, François Hirsch, Bocar Kouyaté, Marie-France Mamzer-Bruneel, Dionko Maoundé, Eric Martinent, Honoré Ntsiba, Gérard Pelé, Gilles Quéva, Marie-Christine Reinmund, Samba Cor Sarr, Abdoulaye Sepou, Antoine Tarral, Djetodjide Tetimian, Olaf Valverde, Simon Van Nieuwenhove & Nathalie Strub-Wourgaft - 2014 - Developing World Bioethics 15 (3):241-247.
    Developing countries face numerous barriers to conducting effective and efficient ethics reviews of international collaborative research. In addition to potentially overlooking important scientific and ethical considerations, inadequate or insufficiently trained ethics committees may insist on unwarranted changes to protocols that can impair a study's scientific or ethical validity. Moreover, poorly functioning review systems can impose substantial delays on the commencement of research, which needlessly undermine the development of new interventions for urgent medical needs. In response to these concerns, the Drugs (...)
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  12.  67
    Les ombres de l'âme: Penser les émotions négatives.Christine Tappolet, Fabrice Teroni & Anita Konzelmann Ziv (eds.) - 2011 - Markus Haller.
    Les émotions peuvent être pénibles, voire néfastes. Pensons par exemple à la peur, la colère, la haine, la jalousie ou au mépris. De telles émotions sont souvent qualifiées de négatives. Mais que sont les émotions négatives et comment se distinguent-elles des émotions positives ? Plus généralement, qu’impliquent-elles pour notre compréhension des émotions ? Et quels sont concrètement leurs effets sur nos pensées et nos vies ? De plus, comment analyser l’ambivalence affective, comme quand on ressent à la fois de l’amour (...)
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  13. Les mauvaises émotions.Christine Tappolet - 2011 - In Christine Tappolet, Fabrice Teroni & Anita Konzelmann Ziv (eds.), Les ombres de l'âme: Penser les émotions négatives. Markus Haller. pp. 37-51.
    Emotions have long been accused of all sorts of mischief. In recent years, however, many have argued that far from constituting an obstacle to reason and morality, emotions possess important virtues. According to a plausible conception, emotions would have a crucial cognitive function: they would consist in the perceptual experience of evaluative properties. To fear a dog, for instance, would consist in having the perceptual experience of the dog as fearsome. There has been and still is a lively debate about (...)
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    Correspondance avec Elisabeth et autres lettres.René Descartes - 2018
    Après avoir lu les Méditations métaphysiques, la jeune Elisabeth de Bohême demande à s’entretenir avec Descartes pour obtenir des réponses. Ainsi naît, entre un philosophe déjà vieux et une princesse mélancolique, une conversation épistolaire qui durera sept ans, jusqu’à la mort de Descartes en 1650. Ils discuteront aussi bien de mathématiques et de géométrie que de l’union de l’âme et du corps, des passions, du bonheur et de Dieu. Sans jamais renier sa pensée – bien plutôt en la fortifiant –, (...)
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  15. The Analects of Confucius: A Philosophical Translation.Roger T. Ames & Henry Rosemont, Jr - 1999 - Ballantine.
    The earliest Analects yet discovered, this work provides us with a new perspective on the central canonical text that has defined Chinese culture--and clearly illuminates the spirit and values of Confucius.
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  16. Fellow creatures: Kantian ethics and our duties to animals.Christine M. Korsgaard - unknown
    Christine M. Korsgaard is Arthur Kingsley Porter Professor of Philosophy at Harvard University. She was educated at the University of Illinois and received a Ph.D. from Harvard. She has held positions at Yale, the University of California at Santa Barbara, and the University of Chicago, and visiting positions at Berkeley and UCLA. She is a member of the American Philosophical Association and a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. She has published extensively on Kant, and about (...)
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  17.  60
    Zhuangzi and the Happy Fish.Roger T. Ames & Takahiro Nakajima (eds.) - 2015 - Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
    The Zhuangzi is a deliciously protean text: it is concerned not only with personal realization, but also with social and political order. In many ways the Zhuangzi established a unique literary and philosophical genre of its own, and while clearly the work of many hands, it is one of the finest pieces of literature in the classical Chinese corpus. It employs every trope and literary device available to set off rhetorically charged flashes of insight into the most unrestrained way to (...)
  18.  14
    Monsieur Descartes, ou, La fable de la raison.Françoise Hildesheimer - 2010 - Paris: Flammarion.
    Il pense, donc il est : sérieux, solitaire, méditatif et de noir vêtu, Descartes est depuis des siècles l'incarnation de la raison triomphante et du génie français. Tant de limpidité et d'éclat a éclipsé l'homme même, qui demeure très méconnu : fils d'un temps d'incertitude? père de la philosophie moderne? Qui était vraiment René Descartes et qu'en reste-t-il aujourd'hui, au-delà des idées reçues et de la référence obligée? Mettant en lumière les contradictions du philosophe, Françoise Hildesheimer brosse le portrait d'un (...)
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  19.  60
    Nature in Asian Traditions of Thought: Essays in Environmental Philosophy.J. Baird Callicott & Roger T. Ames (eds.) - 1989 - State University of New York Press.
    The contributors, not identified except by name, are mostly westerners. No bibliography. Paperback edition ($12.95) not seen. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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  20.  16
    A conceptual lexicon for classical Confucian philosophy.Roger T. Ames - 2022 - Albany: SUNY Press.
    Uses a comparative hermeneutical method to explain the most important terms in the classical Confucian philosophical texts, in an effort to allow the tradition to speak on its own terms.
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  21.  85
    Perspectives on Equality: Constructing a Relational Theory.Christine M. Koggel - 1997 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Beginning with liberalism's foundational idea of moral equality as the basis for treating people with equal concern and respect, Christine Koggel offers a modified account of what makes human beings equal and what is needed to achieve equality. Koggel utilizes insights from care ethics but switches the focus from care as a moral response within personal relationships to the broader network of relationships within which care is given or withheld. The result is an account of moral personhood and agency (...)
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  22.  28
    Two Regimes of Madness: Texts and Interviews, 1975-1995.David Lapoujade, Ames Hodges & Mike Taormina (eds.) - 2007 - Semiotext(E).
    People tend to confuse winning freedom with conversion to capitalism. It is doubtful that the joys of capitalism are enough to free peoples.... The American "revolution" failed long ago, long before the Soviet one. Revolutionary situations and attempts are born of capitalism itself and will not soon disappear, alas. Philosophy remains tied to a revolutionary becoming that is not to be confused with the history of revolutions.--from Two Regimes of MadnessCovering the last twenty years of Gilles Deleuze's life, the texts (...)
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  23. Transformações do significado de conflito na "História de Florença" de Maquiavel.José Luiz Ames - 2014 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 55 (129):265-286.
    exam of the issue of conflict since the “History of Florence” provides us with elements capable to show the Machiavellian reflection does not evolve according to such a simple and linear way as it is shown in the “Discourses”. In fact, investigation will reveal that the opposition between the two types of conflict – positive conflict and negative conflict –, described in the “Discourses”, is progressively defined, from the analysis of Florentian history, as being just one type – the tragic (...)
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  24.  50
    John Dewey as Aesthetician.van Meter Ames - 1953 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 12 (2):145 - 168.
  25. Error, Consistency and Triviality.Christine Tiefensee & Gregory Wheeler - 2022 - Noûs 56 (3):602-618.
    In this paper, we present a new semantic challenge to the moral error theory. Its first component calls upon moral error theorists to deliver a deontic semantics that is consistent with the error-theoretic denial of moral truths by returning the truth-value false to all moral deontic sentences. We call this the ‘consistency challenge’ to the moral error theory. Its second component demands that error theorists explain in which way moral deontic assertions can be seen to differ in meaning despite necessarily (...)
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  26.  4
    Writing: The Political Test.David Ames Curtis (ed.) - 2000 - Duke University Press.
    Writing involves risks—the risk that one will be misunderstood, the risk of being persecuted, the risks of being made a champion for causes in which one does not believe, this risk of inadvertently supporting a reader’s prejudices, to name a few. In trying to give expression to what is true, the writer must “clear a passage within the agitated world of passions,” an undertaking that always to some extent fails: writers are never the master of their own speech. In _Writing: (...)
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    The philosopher Li Zehou: his thought and his legacy.Jana S. Rosker & Roger T. Ames (eds.) - 2025 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Deepens our understanding of this contemporary Chinese thinker's philosophy and its significance.
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  28. The Meaning of Body in Classical Chinese Thought.Roger T. Ames - 1984 - International Philosophical Quarterly 24 (1):39-54.
  29.  50
    Better late than never: understanding Chinese philosophy and ‘translating it’ into the western academy.Roger T. Ames - 2017 - Ethics and Education 12 (1):6-17.
    ‘To translate’ means quite literally ‘to carry across, to bring across,’ that is, ‘to remove from one place to another.’ The questions I want to address in this essay are: To what extent have we been successful in, first, understanding the Chinese philosophical narrative and, then, in ‘carrying it across’ into the western academy? To what extent have we been able to grow and ‘appreciate’ our own philosophical parameters by engaging with this antique tradition? The self-conscious strategy of translation, then, (...)
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  30.  25
    Zen and Pragmatism.Van Meter Ames - 1954 - Philosophy East and West 4 (1):19 - 33.
  31.  20
    "Aesthetics: The Problem of Art and Beauty," pp. 34-48 in American Philosophy.Van Meter Ames & Ralph B. Winn - 1956 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 15 (2):261-262.
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    Responsibility.Roger T. Ames, Thomas M. Chappell, M. David Eckel, Anna Lännström, Margaret R. Miles, Andrea Nightingale, Bhikhu Parekh, Steven C. Rockefeller, David Roochnik, Alfred I. Tauber & Michael Zank - 2007 - Lexington Books.
    In this book philosophers, scholars of religion, and activists address the theme of responsibility. Barbara Darling-Smith brings together an enlightening collection of essays that analyze the ethics of responsibility, its relational nature, and its global struggle.
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  33.  44
    (5 other versions)Human Dignity in Contemporary Ethics by David G Kirchhoffer.Ames Dhai - 2013 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 6 (2):74.
  34.  33
    The Health of Nations: Towards a New Political Economy by Gavin Mooney.Ames Dhai - 2013 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 6 (2):72.
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    Physical Order and Moral Liberty: Previously Unpublished Essays of George Santayana.Van Meter Ames - 1970 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 29 (1):145-145.
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  36. Liberdade e conflito: o confronto dos desejos como fundamento da ideia de liberdade em Maquiavel.José Luiz Ames - 2009 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 50 (119):179-196.
    O artigo parte da enunciação da tese de que ao desejo desmesurado dos grandes pela apropriação/dominação absoluta opõe-se um desejo não menos desmesurado e absoluto do povo de não sê-lo: dois desejos de natureza diferente que não são nem o desejo das mesmas coisas nem desejo de coisas diferentes, mas desejos cujo ato de desejar é diferente. Considerando que cada desejo visa sua efetividade absoluta, cada um tenta impor-se universalmente tornando-se duplamente absoluto: por um lado tende à dominação total (os (...)
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  37.  39
    Confucius and the Ontology of Knowing.Roger T. Ames - 1989 - In Richard Rorty (ed.), Review of I nterpreting Across Boundaries: New Essays in Comparative Philosophy. University of Hawaii Press. pp. 265-279.
  38. Correspondance.Immanuel Kant, Marie-Christine Challiol, Michèle Halimi, Valérie Séroussi, Nicolas Aumonier & Marc B. de Launay - 1993 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 98 (1):277-279.
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    The aesthetic turn: reading Eliot Deutsch on comparative philosophy.Roger T. Ames (ed.) - 2000 - Chicago, Ill.: Open Court.
    In these essays, Deutsch's critics both praise and attack him, and he offers his thoughtful responses.
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    Current Philosophical Issues: Essays in Honor of Curt John Ducasse.Van Meter Ames - 1968 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 27 (2):235-235.
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  41. Lei e violência ou a legitimação política em Maquiavel.José Luiz Ames - 2011 - Trans/Form/Ação 34 (1):21-42.
    Uma das mais famosas e inovadoras teses de Maquiavel é a afirmação de que as boas leis nascem dos conflitos sociais, segundo o exemplo romano das oposições entre plebe e nobres. Os conflitos são capazes de produzir ordem por conter a força constritiva própria da necessidade, que impede a ambição de reinar. Contudo, a lei não neutraliza o conflito, mas apenas lhe dá uma ordenação. A lei está, pois, exposta à história, à contínua mudança, o que significa dizer que é (...)
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  42.  74
    Getting it right: On saving confucius from the confucians.David L. Hall & Roger T. Ames - 1984 - Philosophy East and West 34 (1):3-23.
  43. A formação do conceito moderno de Estado: A contribuição de Maquiavel.José Luiz Ames - 2011 - Discurso 41 (41):293-328.
    A formação do conceito moderno de Estado: A contribuição de Maquiavel.
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  44. Maquiavel e a educação: a formação do bom cidadão.José Luiz Ames - 2008 - Trans/Form/Ação 31 (2):137-152.
    Maquiavel é popularmente conhecido por uma teoria política associada ao seu nome: “maquiavelismo”. O artigo realiza um esforço inicial para afastar o pensamento maquiaveliano de semelhante concepção. Em seguida, faz uma análise detalhada de todas as ocorrências do termo “educação”, num total de onze, na sua obra. A hipótese que orienta nossa reflexão é de que a educação é pensada por Maquiavel como uma força destinada a controlar a desordem inerente ao movimento tanto do desejo quanto da natureza impedindo os (...)
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  45. Religião e política no pensamento de Maquiavel.J. L. Ames - 2006 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 47 (113):51-72.
    For Machiavelli, religion is valued not by the importance of its founder, the content of its teachings, the truth of its dogmas or the significance of its rites. It is not the essence of what really matters but its function and importance for collective life. Religion teaches to recognize and respect political rules through the religious commandments. This collective norm could assume the outer coercive aspect of the military discipline as well as the inner persuasive character of civic and moral (...)
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  46. Memory and History.David Ames Curtis - unknown
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    Moet een geschiedenisleraar nu ook (al) auteursrecht kennen?Marie-Christine Janssens - 1998 - Hermes 4:41-44.
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  48. Republicanismo conflitual e agonismo democrático pluralista.José Luiz Ames - 2012 - Princípios: Revista de Filosofia 19 (31):209-234.
    This paper aims to point out that Machiavelli’s contribution can go beyond from merely an articulation between individual freedom and civic participation, as viewed by Skinner. It can be showed that Machiavelli’s most fruitful contribution is in his conception of conflict as a ineradicable dimension of politics, which is an aspect neglected by Skinner when he reduced it to a form among others of cultivation of civic virtue. Drawing upon reflections developed in the last decades by Chantal Mouffe, this paper (...)
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  49. Potere politico e gioco di alleanze in Machiavelli. Funzione del conflitto sotto un governo principesco.José Luiz Ames - 2013 - Filosofia Politica 27 (2):227-250.
    The essay analyses the originality of Machiavelli's reflection about the conflict under the Prince's government, in order to point out concordances and differences with the role - more extensively studied - of conflict within a republic. The questions analysed are, first of ali, the Prince's necessity of foreseeing the institutional structures for the regulation of conflict; then, the issue of alliances for the Prince who, having taken the power with the support of the great or of the people, needs popular (...)
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    On the editorial process.Christine M. Koggel & Eric Palmer - 2020 - Journal of Global Ethics 16 (3):257-261.
    In the Editorial for the previous issue of Journal of Global Ethics, we selected to discuss COVID-19, a global issue affecting very nearly all of us in unprecedented ways. The disease continues as...
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